Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tour Day

The tour day. It's a beautiful morning, we wake up and can walk right outside with tank tops and shorts. The wind is bearly blowing and the sun is bright, no clouds. We have some things to do this morning but we are mostly just waiting for 12:00. Here's John and I at the garden shed.

I lost track of time and didn't get my camera out much during the tour. I don't officially know how many people were here but I'd guess about 150. There were lots of good comments about the place. Many people were surprised I was the age I am, they were expecting a little ole' lady!!

The lady we bought the house from is Leona Brink, she was selling it for her mother. Leona and her sister came to the tour with their daughters. Their name was Metz. One of the daughters of the two ladies comes up the driveway and says... "my pine tree did well here". She planted the tree when she was in 1st grade with her grandfather. They were very talkative about what was here that they remember. The porch was their favorite place to be (unfortunately it's no longer there). Before they left I had to take them inside for a tour and they were so grateful for that. The two sisters talked about falling down the hardwood steps and chasing each other around the house. It was fun hearing their stories and listening to the granddaughters talk about their memories of their grandparent's house.
Here is the deck side of the house. It's all decorated with garage sale or free items... The table is from the neighbors grandfather's action for .50 cents (yes cents). The chairs are from John's mom and dad (free). The dresser is from a garage sale for $3.00. And yes Lynn those are your dishes on there.

I should have a before picture of this table. It was shot, no one wanted it at the sale but of course Paul knew I would love to give it TLC.

This dresser was just brown and missing the drawers, John was pretty upset that I bought a dresser with no drawers. Someday he will just accept what I bring home and not ask questions. Yeah right!!
Close up just for you Lynn

I had a great time with the tour but happy it's over. Thank you to Jeannie, Starla, Gayle and Shannon for all their help getting ready for this. Now it's time to enjoy the summer.
Oh yeah, the door prize name I drew out of the bucket for my house was Leona Brink!! Spooky huh?

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Since I am moving back in 28 days... do I get "my dishes" then!??! Totally kidding!! I can wait until I get a real house! :)

I can't believe you had a 150 people come by. That's a lot of people. Was everyone from the Medford/Stetsonville area or did you have some out of towners?

That is amazing that the original owners of our house came by.